Illustration Friday - January 13, 2012
Everyone should be "prepared" for an adventure!
Illustration Friday - "Mysterious"
My first impression of "mysterious" was that being
secretive is being mysterious - and this is the image that came to mind.
Illustration Friday -- "imperfect"
August 5, 2011
Illustration Friday - July 29, 2011
I can't help but show a very obvious obsession.... for a lot of us!
Illustration Friday - July 22, 2011
A birthday is a great perennial event.
Illustration Friday - July 17, 2011
What's a better gesture than a hug?
Illustration Friday - April 23, 2011
... had a 2nd idea and wanted to share--- a "toy" train!
Illustration Friday - "Toy"
(fun in Illustrator!)
Illustration Friday - 3/4/11 -- "Warning"
There are times in our lives when we wish we had a choice -
Forward.... or REVERSE
Illustration Friday -- February 4 - 2011
" Winter" - A Snow Angel - appropriate for the Northeast today!
LOTS of snow...
Now, I think this is "savouring" in its highest form -
am I right?
Illustration Friday - "Spent" (10.30.10)
.... after a crushing loss, he was "spent" and couldn't drag himself off the bleachers.
Here's the idea for "Spent" -- sketch first.
"Racing" (10.23.10) - Give a little boy anything and his imagination can go anywhere.
I wonder where this little guy is racing to??