Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cross Another - OFF!

I sold some of my note cards this weekend, and I have to say - it felt good.... which, of course, sent me off track once again.  (It really doesn't take much to get me running in another direction!)  On my "...an Hour to Spare" list I am supposed to be finishing the portfolio for my note cards - I haven't finished that yet.  Instead, I opened an Etsy account. Check it out!

(Of course there are something like 145,000 cards for sale on etsy - who will ever find me? But then, it's been said, "...if you build it, they will come,"  or something like that.)

A thought:  This "Hour to Spare".... works.  Amazingly, I have found is that even when I am soooo tired, thinking I am TOO tired to sit, disciplined, for an hour, once I begin the time flies by and I find I have to be disciplined enough to stop!  

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